Common integration issues
You may get 200 Success and error object. For example:
Error object example
"providerCode": "banxa",
"errorType": "limits",
"errorMessage": "Limits error",
"errorDetails": [
"cause": "min",
"value": "20"
There can be several possible errorType values:
Type | Description |
timeout | Request to the provider was not completed in the allotted time. |
unavailable | Request failed at the provider's end. |
limits | Specified pay-in amount is less than the minimum or more than the maximum value for the fiat currency. |
country | Specified country is not supported by the provider. |
state | Offer requested for the United States, but the state parameter is not provided. |
currency | Specified currency pair is not supported by the provider. |
paymentMethod | Specified payment method is not supported by the provider. |
invalidOffer | On-Ramp provider returned an invalid offer. |
- In case of 200 Success with empty response:
- for request /v1/offers: check errorMessage and fix the problem. If the issue persists, current provider may not have this offer. Try using another provider.
- In case of 400 Validation Error:
- for request /v1/offers - if your country is US, ensure that you send the country code (format ISO 3166-1) and the state code (format ISO 3166-2) correctly. You can use an example.
- for request /v1/offers - if you get "errorType": "state" in response: current provider may not support this state. Try using another provider.
- If case of 401 Unauthorized Error: ensure that the
value is valid. It must include the variables for the URL and body message of the API method you want to request. You can use information in our Manual of sending a request, paragraphs 7 and 8. - In case of 429 Too Many Requests: the RPS/RPM limit has been exceeded. Try again in 10 minutes.
- In case of the issues with opening address: ensure that you use an iFrame instead of a redirect.